The Mark of Time
Two elderly women from the village Stoilovo enjoying the festivities at the annual Zelenika Festival. The festival celebrates the flowering of the Strandja Zelenika, a plant that is indigenous to the Strandja mountains located in the southeast region of Bulgaria. Stoilovo, Bulgaria
Magazines and Espresso
A woman sips her cup of espresso while running her magazine stand business. Plovdiv, Bulgaria
A boy sits out front of his home with his bicycle. Malko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
The Costume of Age
An elderly man brought his stride to a halt momentarily to gaze upon the rabbit ears hanging in the costume store window. I can't help but think that he began to reminisce, perhaps reliving the costumes he wore in his youth. Meanwhile, an ominous audience of faces are fixated on him. You can almost hear them saying, "Move on old man, this spot is reserved for youth". It's a rare occasion when you capture an image with so many layers. If you look closely, you will see the cycle of life represented in this picture, from birth to death. (Death is harder to spot. Hint: look to the upper left.) I believe if offered to try them on, this man would slip on a pair of those rabbit ears over his matching white ponytailed head. I would love to see how that would transform the current costume he's wearing, wouldn't you? Plovdiv Bulgaria
Two boys stand in an illuminated area while around the corner two girls stand in the shadows. Vratsa, Bulgaria
The Race
Two boys race on their bicycles to see who is the fastest. Malko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
The Wanderer
A lone man walks pass a Muslim mosque. Plovdiv, Bulgaria
A Bulgarian man walks by a large billboard of Barbie. Sofia, Bulgaria
Twenty five years after the fall of communism, Plovdiv Bulgaria has become the arts and cultural center of Bulgaria. Pictured here, these girls are walking through the trendy shopping district of Plovdiv. Plovdiv, Bulgaria
The Cat and the Senior
A cat is unhappy that he is getting his photograph taken while an elderly woman waits patiently for her friend. Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
Jacob's Door
A Bulgarian woman passes by a colorful rustic garage door. Malko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
Competing for Her Attention
A Bulgarian woman gazes upon an endless sea of playbills and advertisements. Sofia, Bulgaria.
Couples In The Rain
Couples walking together in the rain on the main shopping street in Vratsa, Bulgaria.
Bricks, Stripes and Umbrellas
Sometimes you get lucky and wonderful organically graphical component all come together at once: you just need an awareness and eye to see it. This photo was taken in Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
Passing Trains
In Sofia, the capital city of Bulgaria, commuters take advantage of the extensive light rails system at the end of a work day.
Castle In Fog
As nighttime began to fall in the town of Veliko Turnovo, fog began to roll into the valley. Seen here, is the famous Tsarevgrad Turnov Castle being engulfed by the fog. Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
Communist Dog
Graffiti runs amok on abandon building throughout Bulgaria. Interesting as pictured here, swastika remain on many of these structures. The combination of the Paleolithic like drawings and the swastika made for a surreal imagery of history.
An abstract look of the center of Sofia from reflections off of the city's glass panel buildings. Sofia, Bulgaria
Merging Paths
An elderly man waits at a corner while a woman walks down a cobblestone path. Minutes later their paths will cross and communication between them will break out. Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
Centuries Apart
In the heart of the twenty first century Plovdiv, a second century roman theatre still stands severing as an outdoor theater today hosting musical performances and plays. Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Tsarevgrad Turno
There are only a few other places around the world where you can experience anything similar to the spectacular "Tsarevgrad Turnov – Sound and Light " audio-visual show. The show celebrates the history of of the ancient capital city of Turnovgrad which has become synonymous with the Bulgarian spirit and national pride. Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria